The Beginning
The issue of suicide brought on by poor mental health has long since plagued our heroes, particularly those wounded in service, no matter where and when the conflict. Like a lot of people, for many veterans, the simple act of asking for help is very difficult.
Wounded War Heroes all started when Michael Savoie, A Medically Retired Wounded War Hero USMC, met Emeric Watson (Founder of WWH) at a hunting event in Pachuta, MS. Late one night around a campfire Michael heard stories about some of the Watson’s fishing adventures and asked Emeric what it would cost to take around 20 military men and women down to south Louisiana for a weekend of fishing. Emeric’s wheels immediately started to spin and can recall having trouble sleeping that night because of all the ideas running through his head. Emeric spoke with his father and brother-in-law the following day and decided they would ask some family and friends to make donations to help defray the cost of a trip. Much to their surprise they received an overwhelming response and received commitments for donations and services.
Within a couple of days, they set a date for the first WWH Fishing Rodeo, which was dictated by the weekends that remained available at the Delta Marina, whereby default left them with the task of pulling off the event within 17 days. The inaugural WWH rodeo went off without a hitch due to hard work and dedication from many friends and family members. To date, WWH has grown from one large fishing rodeo annually to 16 different hunting and fishing events sponsored mostly by oilfield related service companies. A passion for the outdoors and the desire to give something back to these courageous men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country and sustained life-altering wounds in the fight for freedom is the premise behind Wounded War Heroes. Our military men and women put their lives on the line so we can wake up every morning and go about our day, enjoying freedom in ways big and small.

Board of Directors

Kennery Foster

Mike Chesne
Vice Chairman

Christie Dear

Terrill Vaughn

Joey “Bop” Stein
Executive Board Member at Large

Collette “Cootz” Foret
Advisory Board Member

Jerry “Jinxy” Chamberlain
Advisory Board Member

Reginald Sterling
Advisory Board Member

Marty Dear
Advisory Board Member