Providing therapeutic outdoor experiences for veterans who have been wounded or injured as a result of serving our country.


Providing therapeutic outdoor experiences for veterans who have been wounded or injured as a result of serving our country.

Years of Helping Veterans

Veterans In Program

Hours of Recreational Therapy


We help those who have been wounded or injured as a result of serving our country get away from the pressures of civilian life, providing therapy via recreation and fellowship.

 Did you know that since Sept. 11, 2001, just over 30,000 veterans have died by suicide? That’s four times more than U.S. military personnel who died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

Wounded War Heroes was founded to show our appreciation to the men and women who have been wounded or injured as a result of serving our country, by providing them therapeutic outdoor experiences upon their return home from fighting for our country. Our sole purpose is to show these veterans they are not forgotten for their courageous service to our nation.

Join Us

Whether it’s making a financial donation, or lending your time, expertise, and fellowship to a struggling veteran – or donating your gently used gear – join forces with us in putting our heroes back in the outdoors.

Ways to Get Involved

  • Financial Donation
  • Sponsorship
  • Host an Event
  • Corporate Partnerships
  • Legacy Giving
  • Donate Your Gear

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Our Guides

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Gabe Scott

Hiking Guide

Denis Nona

Outdoor Survival

Brian Adon


What are you waiting for?